Demand Maximum Prison Sentence for Puppy Torturer and Killer!

  • por: kyra walton
  • destinatário: The Honorable Katherine Bernards-Goodman

Moose was a 3 month old border collie mix puppy who was tortured for most of his short life before being beaten to death. The alleged murderer is Mikah Johnson, 20, of Green River, Wyoming. The necropsy showed poor Moose died from severe bleeding in his lungs and pulmonary system along with at least two incidents of blunt force trauma. He had severe eye damage from being sprayed in the eyes with Lysol. X-rays showed the dog also had a broken jaw, missing and broken teeth, and the puppy's liver was fractured in two places. Johnson has been charged with 3 felony counts of animal torture, 4 misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty, and 1 count of domestic violence. The domestic violence was against his now ex-girlfriend who was trying to protect Moose.

Please sign the petition to get Johnson the maximum punishment for his egregious crimes against Moose, a helpless puppy. We have been in contact with the Salt Lake County Court and District Attorney's office who have guaranteed they will use this petition during sentencing. The trial and potential sentencing are August 29-31, 2016 so please sign and share ASAP!

Mikah M. Johnson deserves the maximum sentence for his egregious torture and killing of Moose, a 3 month old border collie mix puppy.  He has killed animals before and will continue to do so.  He has assaulted people at school and sporting events and has also assaulted is girlfriend.  He is a serious threat to public safety and needs to be imprisoned as long as possible.

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Mikah Johnson took a plea deal and plead guilty to 2 felonies and 1 misdemeanor domestic violence. Sentencing Nov. 4. Petition will be used at sentencing. Please share our petition widely! Here is the news article:
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