• por: Lori J. Schiele
  • destinatário: P.C. Paul Nanfito (currently in control of this animal's life or death)

This wolf-hybrid is slated for DEATH at a shelter in California by the 15th of May!!
We are trying to get as many people as possible to contact P.C. Paul Nanfito to convince him not to. There is already a rescue that is willing to take him
 NO CHARGE!! We just need them to understand that this poor hybrid does NOT need to DIE just for being what he is! 

Dear PC Nanfito, this petition is intended to save the life of the wolf-hybrid currently in your shelter. There is a rescue that is willing to take him at NO COST to you. We just need you to show mercy and allow this animal to live. Thank you for your time and your consideration. 

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