Integration of Mental Health Focused Classes in Patchogue Medford Middle Schools

Adolescence is a time of uncertainty and constant internal, psychological turmoil that can change the course of our our lives in negative ways. 

Now imagine if you would have had access to free psychological tools to deal with the turmoil of adolescence before you went into a downward spiral

What kind of life would you be leading right now?

Imagine how much psychological pain and bad decisions could you have avoided by having the right tools to deal with difficulty. How much more at peace would your mind be in right now if you had just been given the right tool?

This petition is meant to push forward change that has the possibility of saving hundreds of future students from unnecessary psychological struggle and avoidable bad decisions. It all can start in middle school:

As many of us have come to realize that the harmful but innocent acts of a middle schooler can be tracked to life derailing or destructive habits in high school and continuing into adulthood. To end this cycle of harmful habits we must teach our youth the right psychological tools of resilience to overcome the obstacles that many encounter growing up, especially in their adolescent years. They should also be taught the true science behind happiness, which would provide them an accurate compass to the decisions that lead to a life of fulfillment and actual happiness. We can no longer allow our youth to suffer through their adolescent years without the tools to resurface form these difficult times as resilient and strong-minded individuals that are ready to contribute to the betterment of their communities.

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