Save Animals At Copenhagen Zoo!

  • por: Shaun Fishenden
  • destinatário: European Association of Zoos and Aquaria & Prime Minister of Denmark

You may have heard over the last few days about the INNOCENT Giraffe at Copenhagen Zoo because he was 'surplus'. I feel this is an awful case, what makes it even worse is other zoos offered to take him on but they continued with this barbaric killing. Unfortuantly we cannot do anything to save Marius the giraffe as he has been MURDERED. Now we need to switch our thoughts to the other animals, how do we know the zoo wont do it again! I believe you should sign this petition which will be sent to the European Association of Zoos & Aquaria asking for them to terminate Copenhagen Zoo's membership. I will also send it to Helle-Thorning-Schmidt (Prime Minister of Denmark) asking for the governments support in regulating the zoo and making sure this never happens again!

Atualização #311 anos atrás
If I get to 5,000 signatures, then everyone will receive a Green Star. So keep spreading this petition and contact the Media. Seriously newspapers can really help boost our profile, contact either local newspapers or free ones such as the Metro (UK Newspaper). Give them my email at which they can contact me on for more information
Atualização #211 anos atrás
Can we continue to sign the petition, spread the links ANYTHING! There are various other petitions campaigning to close Copenhagen Zoo & stop Jyllands Park Zoo which may have to kill one its giraffe's ironically called Marius. However these petitions are being sent to the individual zoos and are campaigning for their closure. But my petition is different we are going to EAZA, because its there policy that's making zoo' have to do this.
Atualização #111 anos atrás
Please keep spreading the word through social media or local newspapers/media. I have also set up website at . People/Media can contact me at
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