Ask that the German Animal Conservationist Be Fired for Hunting Those He Should Be Protecting!

  • por: SUE LEE
  • destinatário: German International Animal Wildlife Federation

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get this German Animal Conservationist fired from his “job” because of his fun activities of hunting and killing the animals he should be protecting. This “wildlife advocate” has been seen in photos, smiling and laughing over the elephant he has killed!!

As an animal conservationist for Germany, Udo Wedekind’s responsibility is to protect and look out for the health and well-being of animals. Yet, this man is smiling proudly over the pachyderm that he recently shot and killed while in Botswana. Germany and Botswana have very close, stable and cordial relations. However, as a professed animal conservationist, it is quite disturbing that someone who represents the German Animal Wildlife Federation.

Mr. Wedekind is supposed to be a good example and role model in preserving and protecting wildlife, despite his travels. How can you be a conservationist in your own country but go elsewhere and shoot the types of animals you are supposed to protect and care for endangered species?! It makes very little sense! Besides that, this German civil servant was boasting his achievements through photos allegedly taken as he appeared at a conference in Germany. Of his accomplishments, he stated that “the hunt was tough, it was 37 degrees in the shade and was really humid. There was also thick bush, making the going tough. It was really a challenge. I'm so happy that it ended with a real hunting victory.”

Botswana has since passed a law that bans elephant hunting although it was not in place at the time of this incident. The fact remains, though, that this man was in a capacity to protect and conserve wildlife, whether hunting was allowed or not. It is definitely against his vows as a conservationist and Mr. Wedekind should not hold such a position! Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get this German Animal Conservationist fired from his “job” because of his fun activities of hunting and killing the animals he should be protecting.


German International Animal Wildlife Federation –Mr. Udo Wedekind is supposed to be a German animal conservationist with the intent to care for endangered species and protect animals and wildlife. However, this guy travels to Botswana and shoots an elephant, proudly taking photos with is prize, passed on and boasting beautiful ivory tusks. This individual is such a poor example for this type of capacity since his title should ensure he would carry out his duties wherever he travels. Please get rid of this guy as a protector of animals and wildlife because animals are obviously not safe around him. He is not the type of example you need or want as a role model for the “conservation” and protection of animals! Fire him!

Atualização #111 anos atrás
We did it! This guy was fired early this month. Thanks for all your help and support!!
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