Michigan: Don't Legalize Beaver Trapping For Furs!

  • por: Chris Wolverton
  • destinatário: Senate Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Committee

The Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association pushed for legislation that would allow fur dealers to trap beavers, a practice that has been outlawed since the 1900s or earlier.

It is currently legal to trap beavers, but not for furs. Fur dealers can earn $20 to $50 for each beaver pelt. They usually sell to large corporations in China and Russia.

Letting fur dealers trap beavers will encourage more killing. It is cruel to kill these beneficial and peaceful animals for such a senseless and selfish industry. Please sign the petition to stand against this legislation!

As you know, the Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association pushed for legislation that would allow fur dealers to trap beavers, a practice that has been outlawed since the 1900s or earlier.

It is currently legal to trap beavers, but not for furs. Fur dealers can earn $20 to $50 for each beaver pelt. They usually sell to large corporations in China and Russia.

We believe that letting fur dealers trap beavers will encourage more killing. While the beaver population may need to be controlled to some extent to prevent blockage of waterways, is cruel to kill these beneficial and peaceful animals for such a senseless and selfish industry. We respectfully urge you to vote against this legislation. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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