Tell New Jersey to stop killing pets without a 7 day stray hold.

News Story:

New Jew Jersey State Animal Law:

Scroll to: 4:19-15.16

Former MCSPCA head Stu Goldman brought a case to court on his own when several Manalapan ACOs picked up some stray cats and had them immediately euthanized.

Judge Cieri ruled that the law where all stray animals must be held 7 days is 'unclear' which is a huge step back for animal protection laws. Now if your dog or cats gets out and acts nasty, ACOs may feel that they have legal protection to take matters into their own hands and kill your pet!  

I have attached the NJ State Animal Law and it clearly defines the role of ACOs as a party simply responsible for beinging animals to a town facility, where they MUST BE HELD FOR 7 DAYS. 

This petition isn't just about stray cats, it's about the role of animal impoundment as a taxpayer funded venture. Although few people will agree with me that the lives of the stray cats mattered - our pets on the other hand are family to many of us. Therefore, regardless of the condition or behavior of these cats, all animals need to be offered the same protection under the law in order to make sure pets are not accidentally killed before owners have had a fair chance to find them.

Collars fall off and pets act scared when they are far from home, we don't want it to be an ACO's judgement of whether they should live or have the protection given to them in the law.  

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