Teagan the Great Dane Puppy Didn't Deserve to Almost Starve to Death

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Cary Police Department

In a disturbing incident of animal cruelty in Cary, North Carolina, an innocent 6-month-old Great Dane named Teagan suffered horrible abuse at the hands of her owner. While thankfully Teagan was rescued, the condition she was found in was shocking: every rib visible, severe muscle loss, and a body so weak that she was on the brink of death.

The person who abused sweet Teagan is being charged with animal abuse, but her actions show that she clearly needs mental health support, for her own sake and for the sake of all animals she may interact with in the future.

Sign the petition to demand that the Cary Police Department implement a lifetime ban on animal ownership on the woman who abused Teagan and require her to get mandatory mental health counseling!

Teagan was found emaciated and frail. She weighed only 26 pounds, when at her age she should have weighed between 45 and 50 pounds. The details are horrible: her diaphragm was torn and her organs pressed against her lungs. Her medical treatments have already cost over $10,000, revealing the extent of neglect she endured. It's a miracle this innocent baby is still alive.

This horrible act of cruelty not only endangered Teagan's life but suggests this woman could have profound issues that pose a threat to all animals. There is a pressing need to ensure this individual never harms another animal again.

Sign the petition to urge the Cary Police Department to uphold its responsibility to protect the most vulnerable from harm!

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