Ban the use of gas chambers.

I almost lost my sanity after watching a video of innocent dogs being killed in an outdor gas chamber. I could hear them crying as the gas was pumped into what was little more than a metal box. When they opened the lid, all the dogs were dead. One of them was a young lab. Another appeared to be an australian sheaperd mix.

These animals were perfectly adoptable. They had no fear of humans and they were not dog agressive. What they did next was unforgivable. They put a litter of puppies in amongst the dead dogs, closed the lid, and repeated the process. They were wagging their tales. They didn't know they were going to die. After it was all done, a garbage truck pulled up to the box and dumped their lifeless bodies into the bin.

I am in pain right now, because I know will never forget what I saw. This holocaust happens on a daily basis. So many dogs are killed this way.

Think about your own dog, then imagin that dog dying in pain, it's body being dumped in a landfill, even going to meat prosessing plants to be used in cosmetics, jells, fertilizer, and even pet food. Please sign this petition and tell as many people as you can about it so we can ban the use of gas chambers once and for all. Also, please add a personal comment as well. I want to hear your voice. Tell them how gassing animals really makes you feel. Please sign my other petitions at
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