Restore Human Rights For The People of GAZA

What Unites Us Is Greater Than What Divides Us!

In the wake of recent bombings over Gaza by Israel, the Palestinians have suffered phenomenal loses when we see Gaza laid with dead bodies of mothers, innocent children and fathers, and which has further led to impairment of the normal life, and has broken Human Rights Laws and The Geneva Convention.

The economy is at a stand still.   Gaza has become a prison blocking borders that have limited the supply of food, medical supplies and has not allowed any one to enter or leave the city.  Over 1.5 million people are without water or electricity and bombs are dropping on Mosques, Schools, Police Stations and Homes, incessantly, barring any single day.  The wilderness and fear on the face of children are horrifying. The whimpering angst of mothers filled in their bleeding hearts stand the testimony of this bad time. It is not a question of one man or a family, but complete human civilization in Gaza is on the verge of perishing. 

Help us collect 1.5 million signatures from around the world, the same number as the people suffering in GAZA, and let's help restore Human Rights for the people of GAZA!

President Elect Obama of the United States,  Vice President Elect Joe Biden of the Unites States, President George W. Bush, The United States Congress, The Unites States Senate,  Stephen Harper Prime Minister Of Canada, Pope  Benedict XV, Prime Minister James Gordon of Canada, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, His Majesty King Abdullah II King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, President Viktor Yushchenko of Russia, President Bashar Al-ASAD of Syria, President: Nicolas SARKOZY of France, President: Mohammed Hosni MUBARAK of Egypt, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,  World Leaders, The United Nations, World Faith Based Leaders.

In the wake of recent bombings over Gaza by Israel, the Palestinians have suffered phenomenal loses when we see Gaza laid with dead bodies of mothers, innocent children and fathers, and which has further led to impairment of the normal life, and jeopardizing the United Nations protocols for peace.

The economy is at a stand still.   Gaza has become a prison blocking borders that have limited the supply of food, medical supplies and has not allowed any one to enter or leave the city.  Over 1.5 million people are without water or electricity and bombs are dropping on Mosques, Schools, Police Stations and Homes, incessantly, barring any single day.  The wilderness and fear on the face of children are horrifying. The whimpering angst of mothers filled in their bleeding hearts stand the testimony of this bad time. It%u2019s not question of one man or a family, but complete human civilization in Gaza is on the verge of perishing. 

The families and those men who have already perished had a beautiful future and a career, but now, a layer of dust runs over them. We urge you to ask your conscience, what just war is this? If this was done for peace, then, all was done for wrong, which can only bring pain, afflicted to the people of both sides.

It is to our understanding, that there were incidents of anti-human roles by few of anti-social elements in recent years, which led to bearing the insignia of Terrorists on foreheads of all the Palestinian men, women and children. But, we ask you; does the act of few anti-social elements can make entire Palestine pay for it? Does one represent the whole?

The shattered and bleeding heart of a Palestinian mother, whose son has been butchered in gunfire in the streets of Gaza, just like a stray dog, hurts no different or less than the pain in the heart of a mother from  American Mother, who has lost her son in the War. Understand what unites us is greater than what divides us.


We therefore urge your sincere involvement and aid for restoring the basic human rights to the affected mothers, children and those innocent people of Gaza and Palestine, who are not fighting this war but rather victims of it. 

Our immediate concern to you is to engage your efforts to:

1.     Cease-fire and Thwart the Ongoing Military Operation - The operation is a treacherous act on humanity, as witnessed in present situation in Gaza. It has massacred lives of many people and broken all the accepted Human Rights Laws and the Geneva Convention in particular.

2.     Allow Food and Civil Supplies to Enter to Gaza - Over 700 trucks that bring the food items and other general civil supplies have been left stranded at the border, and this has resulted in virtually jeopardizing the economy to stand still stage. Flow of food, essential supplies, medical equipment, medicine, etc. has completely stopped. Furthermore, adding to trauma, all means of earning livelihood have estranged, with nothing left to feed family members and kids.

3.     Reinstating Electricity and Water Supply in Gaza, which has been totally disrupted as the result of heavy bombing by Israeli warplanes in the civilian areas.

4.     Freedom Of Movement -  To allow Palestinians the freedom of movement within Gaza and Palestine as a whole and to allow for the freedom of movement in and out of the country.  

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