Zero-Tolerance for Drink Drivers in the U.K.

When my brother was 16, he was knocked down and killed by a drink driver! He was on the pavement and his friends had to watch.

The guy who ran my brother over was twice over the limit and didn't lose his driving license until 8 months afterwards and didn't go to prison for 9 months after the manslaughter, which is what it was, but he was only sentenced with death caused by dangerous driving. His sentence is only for 4 years in prison but he might be let out after 2 years for good behavior. How is this fair?

The sentence isn't harsh enough for what he did.

If he was caught drink driving but hadn't killed anyone, he would have lost his license almost straight away but because he did kill someone it took 8 months for the license to be taken away from him.

We want zero tolerance for drink drivers so they lose their driving license immediately and go to prison for longer!

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