Save 8000 Florida Jobs - VETO Transportation Trust Fund Raid

During the 2011 legislative session, the Florida House of Representatives and Florida Senate approved a $150 million raid of the State Transportation Trust Fund (STTF). By taking this money out of the trust fund, it creates a potential $301.4 million reduction in the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT) construction work program and will result in the potential elimination of more than 8,400 Florida jobs.

FTBA calls on all Floridians to encourage Governor Rick Scott to VETO the transportation trust fund sweep and keep the STTF whole. Transportation keeps Florida working, reduces congestion on our roadways and builds much needed infrastructure. Sign the petition today and ask Gov. Scott to VETO all cuts to the State Transportation Trust Fund.
We, the undersigned, support and encourage a gubernatorial veto of the $150 million raid on the State Transportation Trust Fund (STTF) currently included in the Senate- and House-approved budget (SB 2000).

In vetoing this portion of the budget, you will be saving more than potentially 8,400 lost jobs and creating an environment that is conducive to growing business and keeping thousands of Floridians employed.

Transportation makes Florida work and we strongly encourage you to VETO any portion of the budget which raids the State Transportation Trust Fund.

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