Tell WWF to stop supporting the Antarctic krill fishery

  • por: Blue Planet Society
  • destinatário: Dr Marco Lambertini, WWF International Director General

Krill, the keystone species in the Antarctic foodweb, are under threat.

Since 2009 WWF Norway have been in partnership with Aker Biomarine, a Norwegian company that runs the largest krill fishery in the Antarctic. Aker Biomarine pays $178,000 annually for the privilege of putting the WWF logo on its products. In October 2012 WWF Australia signed a new partnership deal, this time with Australian fish and krill oil producer Blackmores. WWF have not yet disclosed how much this new partnership is worth.

WWF's primary concern is wildlife conservation and they should not be seen to be supporting an industry that deprives Antarctic species of an essential food source.

We the undersigned ask WWF to reconsider their partnerships with krill oil producers Aker Biomarine and Blackmores.

We think that WWF should not be associated with an industry that deprives Antarctic species of an essential food source.

With fish species under threat worldwide, krill are the final frontier of marine exploitation, a frontier that should not be crossed.

In our experience, when a lucrative market is created for a wild species, overexploitation then becomes inevitable.


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