After the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) exposed the horrific cruelty suffered by dairy cows going to slaughter at the Hallmark / Westmoreland Slaughterhouse in California, and further exposed the dispicable practice of sending "downer" (sick) cows into the food chain, the USDA passed a law that made it illegal.  However, once again thanks to the HSUS, we are finding out downer pigs are routinely slaughtered and put into our food chain, which is "A-OK" with the USDA? 

Below is a link to the undercover vid, where you can see for yourself and learn that this is a fact the producers are not even trying to hide or deny.

Watch the vid that will give you "food for thought" before you bite into your next pork roast or ham.

You may want to contact Mr. Richard Reynnells, the Head Honcho of the USDAs "Plant and Animal Health Inspection Services" Dept which oversees livestock auctions and slaughterhouses. Ask him "Whats up with downer pigs in our food chain?" You can email him directly through the link below;

Thank You HSUS, for not only looking out for the welfare of the animals for for our food saftey as well! 

Thank you Yello-Tail for caring about animals and supporting the HSUS

Drink Only Yello-Tail wine; 
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