HSUS is absolutely wrong to have a animal abuser who kill dogs for fun to be the role model to children .  He let dogs fight to their death. He let them starve to death. He hung them !  Let the world know that there is something really wrong with HSUS  and they need to stop pretending to be pro animal.
There are so many good role models to do this job of teaching children to be kind to animals.  Celebrities, rescuers, etc.  Why would they use someone who did so much harm just for fun ?  It makes no sense, they need to stop playing shrink and start acting like the animal activists they say they are.  Oh wait !  No they are not,  Wayne said this may upset the animal activists.  So why are they collecting millions in the name of animals every year ??
Look at the pictures of the dogs and see the horror for yourself !
The world need to take a stand and defend these poor creatures that cannot defend themselves. We need to make stronger laws to protect them, not say it is okay as long as you say you are sorry.
We all know he just wants back in the NLF.
The dog in the picture is one of the Monster Vick victims, he died from his  abuse.   HSUS, WAKE UP !!!
Sign this fast, send to everyone you know to sign too.  We need to be strong and swift. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with telling people they can torture, maim, starve, beat, forced our pets to fight to their death and say it is okay. IT IS NOT !!! See video HSUS  uses most donations to pay themselves.

The world is watching and wondering what are you thinking ?  We want  you to relize the imact this has on making stronger laws against abuse.
You are creating an atmosphere that says this is okay as long as you say you are sorry.  You need to stop acting like you are shrinks and start acting like you care about animal welfare. You have lost the respect of the world.  Please change this decision and use celebrities, rescuers, good role models to teach children.  Not a murderer, torturer, abuser who only cares about getting back into the NFL. 
Thanks on behalf of these poor innocents creatures, that were starved to death, hung, forced to fight to their death .
Thanks on behalf of the people who care about them.

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