Ted Failon's Case

Failon was brought to Camp Karingal in Quezon City by the arresting team led by Supt. Gerardo Ratuita, deputy chief of the Quezon City Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit. The popular news anchor was accompanied by his eldest daughter, Kaye, and his lawyers.

We dont understand why they have to send to prison Ted Failon, his house helpers and Trina's brothers and sisters, when in fact, she committed suicide. It is sad to say in public that, yes, she committed suicide.

Another is, POLICE  BRUTALITY. Does the police need to drag Ted Failon's family/ house helpers? Can they arrest them without warrant of arrest?

They are saying that the police is doing this to Ted because of Ted's work. As we all know, Ted Failon is a broadcaster in ABS-CBN. He has a show in DZMM, together with Korina Sanchez, where in he, Ted, gives commentaries on the different topics/ happenings in the country. In an interview with Ted in TV Patrol World, he states that he is convinced that the Police is doing this to him because of his work. 
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