NY Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth Bill

There are 30,000 stillbirths each year in the U.S. In New York State, that number is nearly 2,000, making it the leading cause of infant death.

This legislation would allow parents the option to receive a Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth. Families who experience a stillbirth often face their grief alone as there is no acknowledgement of their loss. The state mandated fetal death certificates are filed but not issued to the parents leaving them with no documentation. 

Help us by signing the petition and asking New York State Senate Health Chair, Thomas Duane to move the Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth Bill S765a out of his committee and to the Floor for a full Senate vote.

New York State Residents ~ Sign the petition today!

Visit www.CBRSbill.blogspot.com for more information about the NY CBRS bill.
As parents who have suffered the unspeakable tragedy of having a stillbirth or as family & friends that have witnessed this tragedy, we implore you to move Senate Bill 765a - Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth - out of the Health committee now.  

Please recognize that this bill would provide for parents that have lost much.  Allowing this bill to move forward provides an opportunity for acknowledgement, respect and closure.   Moving the bill forward brings families one step closer to the choice of obtaining a Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth and the comfort of recognition.

Since 2001, similar bills have passed in 27 states and there have been no repercussions - fiscally or legally.  However, the impact on the voters in these states has been monumental.  These families have found a sense of comfort, completion and recognition as their legislatures have acknowledged their loss, grief and rights as a parent.   

You have the opportunity and the influence to move the bill forward.  
Please exercise the power you have been given, the duty that you have sworn to and humanitarianism that lives in you.   

Allow Senate bill 765a to be voted on in the Health Committee.
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