South Corona, CA Dog Park

  • por: Erin Williams
  • destinatário: Dog Owner's in South Corona, CA 
Dogs need a place to run and play and be leash free! South Corona has grown tremendously in the recent years; schools have gone up, streets are expanding and recreational parks are popping up everywhere...yet our four legged friends are being forgotten!
We the undersigned feel that a Dog Park is needed in South Corona, CA.  I spoke with someone at the City Council and was informed that there have been a few people asking about an additional dog park but that the requests for sports complexes has been much greater.  We need to give our furry friends a voice and most of all a well maintained, leash free park to run and play in!
Please sign the petition, leave a comment as to what you would like to see at the park and where you would like to see one placed!  Help your community grow and to be a place for the entire family!
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