Kickapoo State Park is a 2,842 Acre Recreational Area with complete with campgrounds, hiking trails, canoeing and some of the best hunting and fishing in the area.  Kickapoo is also 4 miles from the  Middlefork Woods Nature Preserve, the only known Illinois location of the Silvery Salamander.
Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) of Illinois will be closing  Kickapoo and the surrounding area effective November 1st 2008.  This petition is to keep Kickapoo State Park open.
We, the undersigned, would like you to re-consider the current plan of closing Kickapoo State Park.  We feel strongly that the park is an important asset not only to the surrounding area, but to the entire State of Illinois.  We urge you to explore funding alternatives that would allow the park to stay open.  Thank You for your time.
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