In protest at Amazon's new "adult" policy

We the undersigned, state our strong objection to Amazon's "Adult" policy as outlined in their letter in italics below

"In consideration of our entire customer base, we exclude "adult" material from appearing in some searches and best seller lists. Since these lists are generated using sales ranks, adult materials must also be excluded from that feature.

Hence, if you have further questions, kindly write back to us.

Best regards,

Ashlyn D
Member Services Advantage

We find it hypocritical that Amazon continues to sell adult books but thinks that removing the sales rating to (keep them out of the public eye) will achieve this.

We would like to hear the rationalisation for allowing sales ratings for explicit books with a heterosexual focus such as:

--Playboy: The Complete Centerfolds by Chronicle Books (pictures of over 600 naked women)
--Rosemary Rogers' Sweet Savage Love" (explicit heterosexual romance);
--Kathleen Woodiwiss' The Wolf and the Dove (explicit heterosexual romance);
--Bertrice Smal's Skye o'Malley which are all explicit heterosexual romances
--and Alan Moore's Lost Girls (which is a very explicit sexual graphic novel)

Yet the following books, which have a gay or lesbian focus, have been classed as "adult books" and stripped of their sales ratings:

--Radclyffe Hill's classic novel about lesbians in Victorian times, The Well of Loneliness, and which contains not one sentence of sexual description;
--Mark R Probst's YA novel The Filly about a young man in the wild West discovering that he's gay (gay romance, no sex);
--Charlie Cochrane's Lessons in Love (gay romance with no sex);
--The Dictionary of Homophobia: A Global History of Gay & Lesbian Experience, edited by Louis-George Tin (non-fiction, history and social issues);
--and Homophobia: A History by Bryan Fone (non-fiction, focus on history and the forms prejudice against homosexuality has taken over the years).

Please tell us, Amazon, why the explicit books with a heterosexual focus are allowed to keep their sales ratings while the non-explicit romances, the histories and the biographies that deal with LGBTQ issues are not.

We would love to hear your reasoning.

Los abajo firmantes mostramos nuestra fuerte protesta hacia la pol�tica de %u201CAdultos%u201D que Amazon ha descrito en la carta en cursiva que citamos:

"En consideraci�n de todos nuestros clientes, el material %u201Cadulto%u201D se excluye de aparecer en algunas b�squedas y listas de Best Sellers. Como estas listas se generan usando las estad�sticas de ventas, los materiales de adultos tambi�n ser�n excluidos de estas estad�sticas.

Por lo tanto, si tienen m�s preguntas, por favor escr�bannos.

Saludos cordiales,

Ashlyn D
Member Services Advantage

Encontramos hip�crita que Amazon contin�e vendiendo libros para adultos pero piense que retir�ndolos de las estad�sticas de ventas (quit�ndolos de los ojos del p�blico) lo lograr�.

Nos gustar�a escuchar el razonamiento para permitir estad�sticas de ventas para libros expl�citos con romances heterosexuales como:

--Playboy: The Complete Centerfolds por Chronicle Books (fotograf�as de casi 600 mujeres desnudas)
-- Sweet Savage Love  de Rosemary Rogers (romance heterosexual expl�cito);
-- The Wolf and the Dove  de Kathleen Woodiwiss (romance heterosexual expl�cito);
-- Skye o'Malley  de Bertrice Smal que son todos romances heterosexuales expl�citos

--y Lost Girls de Alan Moore (que es una novela gr�fica sexual muy expl�cita)

No obstante, los siguientes libros, que tienen orientaci�n gay o l�sbica, han sido clasificados como %u201Clibros para adultos%u201D y retirados de las estad�sticas de ventas:

--La novela cl�sica de Radclyffe Hill de la �poca Victoriana, The Well of Loneliness, y que no contiene ning�n p�rrafo de descripci�n sexual;

--La novela de Mark R Probst The Filly acerca de un hombre joven en el viejo oeste, que descubre que es gay (romance gay, sin sexo);
-- Lessons in Love  de Charlie Cochrane (romance gay sin sexo);
--The Dictionary of Homophobia: A Global History of Gay & Lesbian Experience, editado por Louis-George Tin (no-ficci�n, publicaci�n hist�rica y social);
--y Homophobia: A History por Bryan Fone (no-ficci�n, orientada a la historia y a la forma en que los antiguos prejuicios contra la homosexualidad se han desarrollado a lo largo de los a�os).

Por favor expl�quennos, se�ores de Amazon, por qu� se permite que los libros expl�citos con una orientaci�n heterosexual mantengan sus estad�sticas de ventas, mientras los romances no expl�citos, las novelas hist�ricas y biograf�as que tocan temas gays o l�sbicos, no las mantienen.

Nos gustar�a o�r vuestro razonamiento.

We the undersigned, state our strong objection to Amazon's "Adult" policy as outlined in their letter in italics below

"In consideration of our entire customer base, we exclude "adult" material from appearing in some searches and best seller lists. Since these lists are generated using sales ranks, adult materials must also be excluded from that feature.

Hence, if you have further questions, kindly write back to us.

Best regards,

Ashlyn D
Member Services Advantage

We find it hypocritical that Amazon continues to sell adult books but thinks that removing the sales rating to (keep them out of the public eye) will achieve this.

We would like to hear the rationalisation for allowing sales ratings for explicit books with a heterosexual focus such as:

--Playboy: The Complete Centerfolds by Chronicle Books (pictures of over 600 naked women)
--Rosemary Rogers' Sweet Savage Love" (explicit heterosexual romance);
--Kathleen Woodiwiss' The Wolf and the Dove (explicit heterosexual romance);
--Bertrice Smal's Skye o'Malley which are all explicit heterosexual romances
--and Alan Moore's Lost Girls (which is a very explicit sexual graphic novel)

Yet the following books, which have a gay or lesbian focus, have been classed as "adult books" and stripped of their sales ratings:

--Radclyffe Hill's classic novel about lesbians in Victorian times, The Well of Loneliness, and which contains not one sentence of sexual description;
--Mark R Probst's YA novel The Filly about a young man in the wild West discovering that he's gay (gay romance, no sex);
--Charlie Cochrane's Lessons in Love (gay romance with no sex);
--The Dictionary of Homophobia: A Global History of Gay & Lesbian Experience, edited by Louis-George Tin (non-fiction, history and social issues);
--and Homophobia: A History by Bryan Fone (non-fiction, focus on history and the forms prejudice against homosexuality has taken over the years).

Please tell us, Amazon, why the explicit books with a heterosexual focus are allowed to keep their sales ratings while the non-explicit romances, the histories and the biographies that deal with LGBTQ issues are not.

We would love to hear your reasoning.  We have heard the above, then we heard from another official source that it was a "glitch" and now we are told that it was a hamfisted and embarrassing error. But all anyone is getting is standard emails, with no official statement. 

I think that this is the least we deserve.
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