Passionist Solidarity petition for Fr. Mario Bartolini of Peru

Fr. Mario Bartolini, CP is a Passionist in Peru who works in defense of the peasants basic human and property rights with respect to their native land in the Amazon region of Peru, where he is serving as a parish priest.

Fr. Mario is in the midst of serious legal problems as a consequence of his efforts in defense of small landowners in Barranquita where he ministers. These peasents own only small parcels of land which are all that they possess and which they work in order to feed and clothe their families, including their aged parents. He is being tried in the Peruvian Justice System for subverting the government by taking the side of the poor peasants. He is due to be sentenced next week.

The Passionist Synod in Rome, along with the General Superior and his Council, are asking for the International Passionist Family to support the ministry and human rights efforts of Fr. Bartolini by signing on to a petition of solidarity that urges the courts of Peru to recognize the position of social and legal justice for the peasents of Barranquita and to recognize their rights to possess their own traditional land over the economic  desires of powerful multinational businesses interests.

Please sign on to this petition below.

I support the work and ministry of Fr. Mario Bartolini and I stand in solidarity with my Passionist brother as he works for the human rights of poor Peruvian community.
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