NY Breeders Out of Control

New York State has some of the most lucrative race-horse breeding incentive programs in the entire country. For New York breeders, the rewards go beyond the mere selling off of offspring, as they continue earning dividends throughout their horses' New York racing careers. And at the $30,000 claiming level and above, owners can earn additional money for simply campaigning a New York-bred in New York State. For registered New York stallions, the stallion owner continues to benefit financially beyond the standard stallion stud fees as his or her stallion's progeny race and earn purse money at New York racetracks.
In addition, there is the New York Stallion Stakes Series, which is restricted to eligible progeny of nominated registered New York-based stallions. 

More on the "NY Bred" Fund; http://www.nytbreeders.org/program-awards.asp

On Thursday, April 9, 2009, 177 starving and neglected NY
Thoroughbred racehorses were confiscated from Ernie Paragallo's
"Center Brook" Horse Farm in Coxsackie, Greene Co., NY. 

Article;   http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/article/20090409/NEWS01/90409004
Last summer, 82 starving and neglected NY Thoroughbred racehorses were confiscated from Geraldine Trupia's "Norcrest Farm" in Troupsburgh, Steuben Co., NY.

Article; http://www.steubencourier.com/news/2008/1005/front_page/001.html

There is no doubt that breeding incentives (including state and federal
tax breaks to the equine industry) cause overbreeding. Studies have shown that when breeding incentives are in place, horse-slaughter statistics rise; http://unnecessaryevils.blogspot.com/2008/09/breeding-incentives-cause-spike-in.html

Independant studies as well as the USDAs own reports  show that
most horses sent off to slaughter are young, healthy registered
American Quarter-Horses and racing horses.  No one denies that
there is a problem with over-production of equines in America today, particularly in these tough economic times. No one can deny that overbreeding results in an increase of equine starvation and
neglect, and needless, senseless slaughter. 

While we strongly urge full prosecution of any case of animal abuse
or neglect, we believe it is time for the industry to step up to the plate
and take responsibility for their part in the promotion of such
irresponsible breeding. While organizations such as the American
Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) and the National (and New York)
Racing Associations encourage us to "breed baby breed," nothing is
ever mentioned about the concept of "responsible" breeding or a 
long-term after care plan for their industry casts-offs. 

Please contact the following organizations to let them know, NOW is the time to take responsibility for the part they play in the over-production, abuse, starvation, neglect and needless slaughter of so many horses.  
Tell them they need to get their breeding under control. Replace
incentives with rewarding disincentives. The breeding of less horses
but of better quality would be a boon to the industry, as would the establishment of a long-range retirement plan for all NY bred ex-racehorses. Tell the New York Racing Industry  to "set the pace" for 
the rest of the horse-racing world; less breeding and more retirement plans would be a good start;

New York State Thoroughbred Breeding & Development Fund Corporation

Saratoga Spa State Park
19 Roosevelt Drive
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: (518) 580-0100 Fax: (518) 580-0500
E-mail: nybreds@nybreds.com
Website: http://www.nybreds.com/
Martin G. Kinsella, Executive Director
Jim Zito, Web Site and Advertising Coordinator

New York Thoroughbred Breeders, Inc.

57 Phila Street, 2nd Floor
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: (518) 587-0777 Fax: (518) 587-1551 Fax
E-mail: info@nytbreeders.org
Website: http://www.nytbreeders.org/
Jeffrey A. Cannizzo, Executive Director

Genesee Valley Breeders Association

P.O. Box 301
Shortsville, NY 14548-0301
Phone/fax: (585) 289-8524
Mary Beth Hasenauer, Secretary

Finger Lakes Racing Association

Route 66 & Beaver Creek Rd.
Farmington, NY 14425
Phone: (585) 924-3232
Website: http://www.fingerlakesracetrack.com/

New York Racing Association

P.O. Box 90
Jamaica, NY 11417
Phone: (800) 221-6266 (outside New York)
           (800) 522-5554 (within New York)
E-mail: nyra@nyrainc.com
Website: http://www.nyra.com/
Paul J. Campo, Racing Secretary

New York Stallion Stakes

Phone: (718) 641-4700 ext. 3806 (Aqueduct)
           (516) 488-6000 ext. 4806 (Belmont and Saratoga)
Website: http://www.nyra.com/Aqueduct/Horsemen/NYStallionSeries/NYStallionSeries.shtml
Carmine Shirlaw, Coordinator

Please also see the petition we have made asking for full prosecution
of Ernie Paragallo, manager of Paraneck Stables and owner of Center Brook Farm. This is the Greene Co. Ny  case involving the neglect
of 177 racehorses;


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