In the Republic of Serbia, dogs and cats experience inhumane capture and death in a never ending attempt by authorities to control the stray animal populations of towns and cities. Throughout their short lives, animals live a pitiful existence. These often unwanted animals fight and scavenge for a pittance of food and water in an always increasingly hostile environment. And yet despite their suffering; stray and unwanted dogs and cats maintain the ability to REPRODUCE - make new little cats and dogs ! And so, the repetitive cycle goes on, routinely uncontrolled and with no future planning by the authorities.
Through a fear of disease and with a lack of knowledge and, quite often, suitable and adequate resources, many authorities throughout Serbia use the most barbarically cruel and ineffective methods of stray animal population control. Once captured by the "Shinters" (animal catching) teams, animals are often confined to cages without any food or water for many days prior to their deaths. Death is administered in many ways by the Serbian Government authorities.
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But there is an alternative
About Serbian Animals Voice
Serbian Animals Voice (SAV) is an organisation which campaigns for the better treatment of all animals within the Balkans states; especially on behalf of stray / street animals. SAV is a completely non-violent organisation which undertakes all of its campaigning through information networking and the written word. SAV has a worldwide supporter network.
En R%uFFFDpublique Serbe, les chiens et les chats sont captur%uFFFDs et doivent endurer une mort dans des conditions inhumaine, sous la direction des des autorit%uFFFDs qui tentent de contr%uFFFDler les populations animales errantes dans les villes. Durant toute leurs courtes vies, les animaux vivent une existence pitoyable. Ces animaux, souvent non d%uFFFDsir%uFFFDs, luttent pour avoir un peu de nourriture et de l'eau dans un environnement toujours de plus en plus hostile. Mais en d%uFFFDpit de leur souffrance, les chiens et les chats errants maintiennent la capacit%uFFFD DE SE REPRODUIRE - Et ainsi, le cycle r%uFFFDit%uFFFDr%uFFFD continue, par habitude, sans contr%uFFFDle et sans planification %uFFFD venir de la part des autorit%uFFFDs.
Par crainte de maladies, un manque de connaissance et, bien souvent, par %uFFFDconomie, beaucoup d'autorit%uFFFDs dans l'ensemble de la Serbie emploient des m%uFFFDthodes cruelles et inefficaces pour contr%uFFFDler la population animale errante. Une fois captur%uFFFDs par les %uFFFDquipes de %uFFFD Shinters %uFFFD (la capture animale), les animaux sont souvent confin%uFFFDs dans des cages sans aucune nourriture, ni eau durant des jours et des jours pr%uFFFDc%uFFFDdant leurs d%uFFFDc%uFFFDs. La mort est administr%uFFFDe de plusieurs mani%uFFFDres par les autorit%uFFFDs gouvernementales serbes.
- par la paralysie du syst%uFFFDme respiratoire par les injections T-61 dans le coeur ou les poumons - T-61 %uFFFDtant un agent de blocage neuromusculaire qui n'est plus employ%uFFFD aux Etats-Unis
- injection des poisons de Nuvan et de Kreozan ; entra%uFFFDnant
la mort par %uFFFDtouffement
- enterr%uFFFDs vivant,
- matraquage %uFFFD mort ; souvent entrepris par des services sanitaires.
- animaux enferm%uFFFDs dans des sacs en plastique et jet%uFFFDs dans des d%uFFFDcharges
- animaux broy%uFFFDs
Mais il y a une solution : la st%uFFFDrilisation
Au sujet de : Voix pour les Animaux en Serbie
Serbian Animals Voice (SAV) est une organisation qui fait campagne pour un meilleur traitement de tous les animaux dans les %uFFFDtats des Balkans, particuli%uFFFDrement au nom des animaux perdus ou des rues. SAV est une organisation totalement non-violente qui entreprend toute sa campagne par la gestion d'un r%uFFFDseau d'information et d'%uFFFDcriture.
SAV a un r%uFFFDseau mondial de d%uFFFDfenseurs.
The day of October 3rd 2008 is of historic importance for the cats and dogs in Serbia, just like October 5th 2000 is important for the citizens of Serbia. Until today, there has been no such achievement in the matter of support to the International Animal's Day.
Upon the initiative of the Animal welfare organization PRIJATELJ from Subotica and the Organization for aid to the abandoned animals Help Animals from Belgrade, on October 3rd 2008, the Veterinary Directorate of the Republic of Serbia and Standing Conference of Cities and Municipalities in Serbia, have decided to, as Mr.Zoran Micovic, Head of the Veterinary Directorate said "from this moment we will take part in the REALISATION OF THE PROJECT OF NATIONAL No Kill spay/neuter strategy in solving the problem of cats and dogs population".
This decision was made in the Veterinary Directorate office, in the presence of:
Apart from the decision that in Serbia, for the first time in Balkan region countries, will be implemented the only humane way of control of cats and dogs%u2019 population, it has also been decided to abolish the implementation of the Act on Terms and Measures for Humane Catching and Destroying of stray cats and dogs (Official Herald RS, no.29/94) This means that as of today, October 3rd 2008, not a single cat or a dog can be killed by any zoo-hygiene service in the Republic of Serbia.
Furthermore, this is a signal to all local governments in Serbia (135) to immediately start with implementation of the republic Law on Veterinary practice (The local government is obliged to organize a zoo-hygiene service on its territory for the following activities) and of the Paragraph 1 of this Article (to catch and place the abandoned animals in the animal shelters)
The signees of this Notice have started the initiative to proclaim the October 3rd 2008 for the Animal Day in Serbia, and to celebrate it each year accordingly.
The signees of this Notice would like to express their deep gratitude to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and to the Veterinary Directorate.
We would also like to express our special gratitude to Mr.Dragin, the Minister and to Mr.Zoran Micovic, Head of the Veterinary Directorate, for their personal engagement in this issue.
Slavica Mazak Beslic
Zlata Korjenic
Help Animals,Beograd
To His Excellency the President of the Democracy Party, and President of Republic of Serbia :
Dear Mr. Boris Tadic
Considering that it is the duty of humans to respect animals and to ensure that these benefit from legislation which protects them in an adequate and effective way;
Considering that that duty is increasingly recognised and valued not only within the Serbian society but also across the world, and that it has been driving governments, parliaments and municipalities from several regions of the world to take advanced legislative and practical steps to protect animals;
Considering that, in spite of the latter being also a duty of the Serbian State, this state has not been matching it, or meeting its responsibilities in this field, in a satisfactory way, thus leaving Serbian`s animals cruelly abandoned and victims of the state's indifference, which, both by actions and omissions, has been permitting that many and serious harms committed against animals may happen in an environment of almost total impunity;
Considering that the Serbian State, both by not taking proactive, modern, effective and adequate legislative measures, by not even conducting a satisfactory prevention, enforcement and penalization activity regarding the existing animal protection regulations, by not forbidding cruel, unacceptable and absolutely unnecessary practises, and also by involving some of its institutions, among which are the municipalities, in the cruel treatment of animals, has originated serious problems affecting animals in the country; and also
Considering that the majority of the Serbian people - a very significant one, in many aspects, and overwhelming, in so many others - believes that animals in Serbia are, in fact, extremely unprotected and should, in several areas, be urgently and strongly protected by the Serbian State;
I call on the Serbian Parliament and urge the Democracy Party to:
1. Propose and/or approve, establish and enact a new animal protection law -to be shaped as an Animal Protection Code - that is
a) wide-ranging, in a way that it establishes animal protection regulations affecting all areas in which these are somehow used and involved,
b) coherent, clear and specific, in a way that its provisions can be understood, respected and enforced in a clear way and without causing any doubts,
c) strongly restrictive, establishing
i) unequivocally the prohibitions which are due to be defined,
ii) strong penalties to the infringements of the law, and
iii) exclusive legal permissions to hold animals in captivity and/or to inflict pain, suffering and/or death to animals only in the cases in which that is strictly necessary and justified, also rigidly and clearly regulating those permissions, and
d) easy to enforce, in a way that the agencies and officials which are responsible for enforcing the law and making sure it is respected may execute their enforcement work in the most direct, fast and effective manner, so that the infringements may be punished as swiftly and efficiently as possible, also to be accompanied of immediate and precautionary measures to protect the affected animals%uFFFD safety and integrity measures - which should be also immediately put to practice by these very agencies and officials;
2. To additionally consider and incorporate in the preparation of this new animal protection law - which is requested to be established and enacted shaped as an Animal Protection Code taking into consideration all the aspects mentioned in the previous point - all the elements which are outlined and advocated in the fair, extensive and comprehensive guiding proposal for a Serbian Animal Protection Code presented in the documents NO KILL sterilisation strategy, written by Friend-EPAR/OIPAmember league
and "Law&order&justice for all" , written by Friend-EPAR/OIPAmember league/alliance for Animal Rights and promoted by this organisation and several other members and supporters of Alliance for Animal Rights and Serbian Animals Voice , to accomplish a modern, effective, progressist and fair Animal Protection Code in relation to the needs of the legislative protection of animals in Serbia and to the Serbian State's duties in this field.
Thanking you in advance for the attention which, I trust, you will give to my request,
Yours, respectfully,
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