Needs to Keep Family Planning Promise

  • por: ctim
  • destinatário: UN people

UN Needs to Keep Family Planning Promise

Family Planning promises were made years ago at the UN. With the shift to NCDs as of late, there are concerns that it might detract from programs like family planning. Voice of America reports:

The Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health says family planning services are needed now more than ever as the world population soars. It’s expected to reach 9 billion by 2050. The council is made up of current and former senior leaders from more than a dozen countries, as well as other health advocates.

“Reproductive health is not just important to women. It’s important to humanity, as we all know. I mean it’s the basis of our survival and the propagation of the human race,” said Joy Phumaphi, former minister of health in Botswana and a member of the council.

“It is absolutely critical that at any point in time a family only has the number of children that it can afford to take care of and bring up into well-rounded citizens. And it is also critical that a family is able to space these children and have them at intervals that enable them to bring up each child effectively,” she said.
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