Let deviants under 18 view "Mature" art!

The art website, http://www.deviantart.com/ has recently blocked all users under the age of eighteen from viewing any artwork marked as "mature".  "Mature" art, for the most part, means nude art.  Some people may think this is a good rule--which would be true if by "mature art" they meant pornography, but they do not.  They are simply referring to art where the naked human body is shown (and some of the blocked deviations aren't even images.  some are stories and poems that have been deemed graphic or gory and should be read with caution.)

In the past, deviantart gave its members the choice whether or not to view an image marked as "mature".  When the user clicked a link to the image a grey box would be in place of the image that stated "this image may contain mature content.  Do you wish to view it anyway?" and the deviant could gauge their own maturity and view the image if they wanted to, and not view if they didn't.  This was a wonderful system, where the deviant could decide if the image was appropriate for them, and if they didn't think it was, they didn't have to look.

I feel it is important to reiterate that this is not pornography that they are blocking members from seeing (pornography is not allowed on the site, and if they are confident in their abilities to enforce their own rules, this shouldn't be a problem).  This is art.  In essence, they are blocking pieces like Michelangelo's David from younger artists, because it features the naked body.

The human body is a beautiful thing, and should not be hidden from anyone!  Let us have a choice to view it!

If you agree, whether you're over or under the age of eighteen, please sign this pettition to allow ALL members to view ALL art.  Every signature will help!

We the undersigned would like members of deviantart of ALL ages to be allowed to view art marked as "mature".  We believe that the member should have the right to gauge what is appropriate them, and make their own choice on whether they wish to view the art or not.

It is easy to see where you were coming from by not allowing members under the age of eighteen to view mature art.  Some parents might not approve of what their children are viewing on this website--but there is a better way to ease parent's minds than blocking all young artists from viewing mature art.  You could add a feature that allows parents to change their child's settings, and block them from art content they don't wish to see.  This way, concerned parents would be content, and so would the young deviants who's parents do allow them to view mature art.

It is unfair to block all young users from mature art, and we hope that you can will change your mind and allow deviants under the age of eighteen to view it.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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