Greyhound Adoption Initiative

Greyhound racing is in a huge economic decline and with that has come kennel closings, seasonal track closings and many greyhounds from other states because of track closings from other states. All of this has led to a huge economic strain to adoption groups in Florida and the adoption groups that many Florida adoption groups send greyhounds to in other states.

Some owners help with adoption costs, some don't. Some kennels help with adoption costs, some don't. Some tracks help, some don't. Some states help, some don't.

Adoption groups need money now more than ever. Rising prices of gas has made the transportation costs of the dogs to out of state groups double in the last year. Vet bills are going up for the everyday spay and neuterings. Recent advances in many vet's ability to repair broken legs has virtually left broken leg dogs lives in the hands of adoption groups that can pay for the care of the broken leg dogs and care for them after their surgeries.

The greyhounds have paid their dues to Florida. They have been a source of revenue in Florida for years. Now they need help finding homes.

To make sure that the greyhounds are taken care of economically, by all partys involved, I propose a percentage(1%) of the live handle and simulcast money(.5%) generated by the greyhounds racing be taken off the top of live handle and simulcast money.

This money would go to all greyhound adoption groups that meet the requirements already set by the Division of Parimutuel Racing rules and guidelines.

Thank you,

Patricia South and Greys Speak

Greyhound racing is in a huge economic decline and with that has come kennel closings, seasonal track closings and many greyhounds from other states because of track closings from other states. All of this has led to a huge economic strain to adoption groups in Florida and the adoption groups that many Florida adoption groups send greyhounds to in other states.

Some owners help with adoption costs, some don't. Some kennels help with adoption costs, some don't. Some tracks help, some don't. Some states help, some don't.

Adoption groups need money now more than ever. Rising prices of gas has made the transportation costs of the dogs to out of state groups double in the last year. Vet bills are going up for the everyday spay and neuterings. Recent advances in many vet's ability to repair broken legs has virtually left broken leg dogs lives in the hands of adoption groups that can pay for the care of the broken leg dogs and care for them after their surgeries.

The greyhounds have paid their dues to Florida. They have been a source of revenue in Florida for years. Now they need help finding homes.

To make sure that the greyhounds are taken care of economically, by all partys involved, I propose a percentage(1%) of the live handle and simulcast money(.5%) generated by the greyhounds racing be taken off the top of live handle and simulcast money.

This money would go to all greyhound adoption groups that meet the requirements already set by the Division of Parimutuel Racing rules and guidelines.
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