Elimination of Jumps at RCR Resorts

  • por: Dave
  • destinatário: Resorts of the Canadian Rockies
Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (RCR), has decided to eliminate all man-made jumps from their Terrain Parks. Please sign this petition if you disagree with this decision and would like to see the man-made jumps returned to the parks.
here is the full press release:

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Calgary, AB %u2013 November 8, 2007 - Resorts of the Canadian Rockies Inc. (RCR) is recognized as an industry leader in providing world-class guest experiences at its mountain resorts throughout Canada. In doing so, RCR believes that safety in its mountain environments is one of its most important values. Supporting this mandate, RCR is moving in a new direction that will enhance safety at all of its resorts.

RCR cares deeply about the well-being of all of its guests and takes responsibility for their care very seriously. %u201CWe are undertaking an industry-leading initiative,%u201D says Matt Mosteller, Senior Director of Business Development for Resorts of the Canadian Rockies. %u201CAll man-made snow jumps will be eliminated from RCR terrain parks this season.%u201D

%u201CWe have found that one of the main issues that increase the likelihood of serious injury on our mountains is big air,%u201D says Mosteller. %u201CWhen we are making decisions about safety at our resorts, the big jumps in the terrain parks always come into the equation. We decided to make a change.%u201D

Continues Mosteller, %u201CWe are committed to providing our guests with a safe experience at our mountains. We realize that this change may disappoint some guests who regularly use these man-made jump features. However, we believe we have a strong moral obligation to not compromise the safety of our guests.%u201D

At the same time, RCR will be making an increased investment in new rails and features for RCR%u2019s terrain parks. For example, this year%u2019s RCR TELUS Park at Lake Louise Mountain Resort features the highest-ever investment in new, state-of-the-art rail features that will cater to a wide variety of ages and abilities. RCR will have rail parks this season at Lake Louise Mountain Resort, Fernie Alpine Resort and Nakiska.

With the new rail park format, RCR will host a Rail Jam Series that will take place at Lake Louise Mountain Resort, Fernie Alpine Resort and Nakiska. Features used in the Rail Jam Series will be suitable for a high level of competition, while also adhering to safe practices.

For the past three seasons, RCR has also worked hard on developing its family-friendly terrain parks. These unique parks, separate from the larger parks, feature small rails, boxes and rollers, encouraging learning, safety and fun in a non-intimidating environment. The feedback on these parks has been positive and they will continue to develop at all of the resorts.

We the undersigned,
request that Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (RCR) revoke their decision to remove man-made ski jumps from their terrain parks. As riders of your mountains, we believe these features are vital to the progression of skiing and snowboarding, and by removing them, you are in turn losing credit as resorts who support the future progression of alpine sports.
Thank you
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