Dont Kill Dogs over Pet Tax!

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: Mayor of Geneva, Switzerland - Sandrine Salareno

The village of Reconvilier in Switzerland says law from 1904 allows it to kill dogs whose owners don't pay pet taxes.

In need of more money for infrastructure, the town council decided to start enforcing the old law for killing a dog whose owner does not pay the annual $50 dog tax.

Local official Pierre-Alain Nemitz says the move is part of an effort to reclaim unpaid taxes. "This isn't about a mass execution of dogs," Nemitz said. "It's meant to put pressure on people who don't cooperate."


Stop threatening to kill people's pets if you don't get money to build your infastructure.

Mayor of Geneva, Switzerland

Sandrine Salareno

Rue de l'Hotel de Ville 5
1204 Geneva


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