Chinese exports to foreign retailers and therefor we
are inadvertently supporting a country that
Through our buying power and through our efforts we must raise a strong message to China that this practice MUST BE STOPPED.!
The world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart Stores Inc, says its inventory of stock produced in China is expected to hit US$18 billion this year, keeping the annual growth rate of
over 20% consistent over two years.

Walmart's products are at least 70% of the commodities are made in China.  If Walmart were a country it would be the 8th largest trading partner of China

Presently, China is the second biggest commercial partner of Canada and by the year 2010, the Canadian government hopes to double commercial trade with China.

As the slaughter of dogs and cats is viewed as reprehensible in the west, the Asian fur industry attempts to conceal the truth by intentionally mislabeling fur exports. With few exceptions, products from dogs and cats are never labeled as such. Dog fur is sold as %u201CAsian wolf %u201Cfur, while cat fur is often labeled as %u201Crabbit%u201D fur. In fact, producers of fur in China revealed to investigators that they were willing to sew any label onto garments made from dogs or cats to facilitate commercial viability. To make matters worse, Canadian laws do not require garment labels to include the origin of the fur, nor which species of animal it comes from.

According to industry Canada, the Canadian fur and retail industry imported $5 million in animal pelts and $28 million in fur trimmed apparel from China in 2004. Despite the distinct possibility that many of these imported furs are from dogs and cats, the government has indicated that it has no intention of prohibiting these imports.

China is planning a WORLD EXPO this May 2010 and we have an opportunity to write world leaders and partners like GM and Coca Cola to express or disdain for their inhumanity towards these helpless creatures.  This is not simply killing an animal, they believe to torture them makes it "taste better". Disgusting as it may sound this is a wide spread practice with dogs and cats in China, Korea and other parts of Asia. Crates are packed tightly crushing bodies against bodies and thrown from trucks to BREAK THEIR BONES.  THIS IS JUST SICK AND EVIL BEYOND BELIEF.   BUT WE CAN DO SOMETHING BUY INCREASING AWARENESS IN YOUR COMMUNITY AND WRITING LETTERS AND LETTING YOUR LOCAL WALMART AND OTHER STORES WHO RETAIL CHINESE PRODUCTS LET THEM KNOW YOU WILL SPEND YOUR MONEY ELSE WHERE IF THIS PRACTICE DOES NOT CHANGE AND TO LET THEIR CHINESE EXPORT COMPANIES KNOW HOW THEIR CUSTOMERS FEEL.   WE MUST BE A VOICE FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T SPEAK.     PLEASE HELP THE INNOCENT.               page 15-18 world attendees we must protest the cruelty performed on pets please visit  Cocacola and GM partners for the event   help these pititful tortured dogs, and cats and other animals.   Asians are also actively seeking to abolish these cruel practices.
and others:
It is unethical to "buy from those who abuse animals".  The BUCK STOPS HERE!

We encourage you to call your local retailers selling "Made in China" products and let them know your feelings and/or organize DOG PROTESTS  with local pet owners in your community, show up with your pets to their stores.  Cut and paste this document into a brochure to distribute.  Get bumper stickers "MADE IN CHINA" with the picture of these poor dogs and cats crushed in cages.  If they want to trade with us they need to acknowledge and respect our values........and show decency to "pets" and animals. We have animal cruelty laws!

These are horrifying videos, but proof of these gruesome atrocities afflicted on innocent animals.

Other related sites:
We the undersigned, the purchasing public, would like to express our disdain for the cruel practices of torturing and eating dogs and cats and appeal to you in your decency to apply pressure to the Chinese government to outlaw this practice and enforce it with strict measures. 

We must be a voice for the voiceless for the innocent for the pitiful helpless masses of dogs and cats that suffer merciless daily.

These animals are caged bodies, crushing bodies and thrown off of trucks breaking legs and bones.  Apparently "TORTURE ADDS TASTE"???!!!

We implore you to do your utmost to stop this intolerable cruelty and if necessary stop trade with this country as we the undersigned will boycott your products and protest our outrage so as these victims crys can be heard.
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