Don’t deport apostate Khalid Saeed to Pakistan!

  • por: Eticha
  • destinatário: Migrationsverket

Khalid is Pakistani. And apostate. Not a healthy combination.

Khalid applied for asylum in Sweden in 2009, but was denied this. If he is deported to Pakistan he and his family (wife and three kids) will be in great danger.

The punishment for his behavior (that is seen as the highest degree of blasphemy) is death. Even if the authorities let him live, there are people all around in Pakistan who gladly would kill him and terrorize his family for his apostasy. 

Please, help so that Khalid and his family can live in safety. 

Donations can be made via PayPal, Visa, Master or through Bank transfer. All iformation are available on the WeAreKhalid website!

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