Dark Secret of the Tigers' farm in China

Behind rusted bars, a skeletal male tiger lies panting on the filthy concrete floor of his cage, covered in sores and untreated wounds. His once-fearsome body is so emaciated it is little more than a pitiful pile of fur and bones.

Death is surely a matter of days away and can only come as a welcome release. Wardens at the wildlife park in southwest China say, indifferently, that they do not expect him to see the start of the Year of the Tiger which began last Sunday.

'What can we do? A female park official asks a small huddle of visitors with a sigh and a casual shrug. 'He's dying, of course, but we have to keep feeding him until he does. It's against the law to kill tigers.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1252500/Exposed-Dark-secret-farm-tigers-bodies-plundered-make-185-wine.html#ixzz0hpMHwLUV

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1252500/Exposed-Dark-secret-farm-tigers-bodies-plundered-make-185-wine.html#ixzz0hpLffcBt
Wildly misleading: The image on an advert for the tiger 'park' at Guilin has no relation to the reality.
please sign this petition so we can take this up with the Chinese authoroties and stop this cruelty to these magnificient cats who are captured and suffer a slow death for human vanity and taste. 
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