Close all kill shelters in the States and Start Animal Sanctuaries

We the people of the United States demand that all kill shelters be closed and animal sanctuaries be opened to replace them. We further demand that spayed & neutering be made mandatory for cats and dogs in all States and this be made State or Federal funded. We the people demand our own Pet Project for this is the only way we will ever see a light at the end of the tunnel.

10 Million Plus Animals Are Euthanized Annually In The United States.

American Humane: Newsroom: Fact Sheets: Euthanasia proclaim ourselves a super power while at the same time knowing no compassion or mercy. We ask that we rid America of this Shameful act and become a superpower of compassion for our domestic animals. (cats & dogs) We demand the no kill solutions now. We demand our Constitutional rights to join signatures and be heard. No more killing of these loving, loyal, faithful, INNOCENT creatures.
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