Charge PETCO with Animal Cruelty

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário:  Broome County District Attorney, Hon. Gerald F. Mollen

100 pets died inside a Petco store in upstate New York that was flooded by Tropical Storm Lee.

100 animals, including reptiles, rodents and birds, died inside a Petco store in upstate New York that was flooded by Tropical Storm Lee. The animals either starved or drowned at the Johnson City store, which was in a mandatory evacuation zone during the storm.

Prosectute this PETCO store for animal cruelty and neglect. It is unthinkable that they would abandon these animals during a mandatory evacuation. and leave them there to die.



Hon. Gerald F. Mollen

Broome County District Attorney

19 Chenango Street, 7th Floor

Binghamton, NY 10512


607-778-8870 (fax)

Broome County District Attorney, Hon. Gerald F. Mollen

100 pets died inside a Petco store in upstate New York that was flooded by Tropical Storm Lee.

100 animals, including reptiles, rodents and birds, died inside a Petco store in upstate New York that was flooded by Tropical Storm Lee. The animals either starved or drowned at the Johnson City store, which was in a mandatory evacuation zone during the storm.

Prosectute this PETCO store for animal cruelty and neglect. It is unthinkable that they would abandon these animals during a mandatory evacuation. and leave them there to die.

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