Broome County Government: Cease and Desist

  • por: William Huston
  • destinatário: Broome County Executive, Legislature

Broome County Government, you are hereby ordered to immediately CEASE AND DESIST all activity around gaining revenue from Shale Gas extraction on the COLLECTIVELY OWNED, COMMON LANDS of Broome County NY, until such a time as you can demonstrate the following:

1) that you have Constitutional authority to do such,
2) that there is a public mandate,
3) that this activity shall provide public benefit,
4) that this activity can be done safely, and
5) that there will be no quality of life impacts.

William Huston,
and the undersigned.

NOTE: Please only sign this petition if you live or work in Broome County NY, or live in an adjacent county, or have some other interest in our maintaining the pristine beauty of this place, or if you stand in solidarity with us as we assert local sovereignty.
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