Marjorie's Cause

This is a topic very dear to my heart. In Ontario, Canada there are no rules or regulations controlling zoos and wildlife displays. The picture to your left is from a local zoo.  It houses many exotic cats and wildlife.  This zoo should be shut down. But because of  the goverment regulations-it stays open. Bill 50-An act to amend Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals falls short of even remotely enforcing- let alone caring about the mistreament of wildlife.
Please help me- send a message that this will not be tolerated. Sign my petition urging Mr McGuinty to mandate and enforce stricter laws and regulations of people acquiring wildlife for personal or display purposes in Ontario
Be a voice for those who cannot talk....
Please write to the Premier at:
Premier Dalton McGuinty
Main Legislative Building
Queens Park, Toronto ,Ontario,Canada
M7A 1A1
or email:

We the undersigned- the voices of all wildlife. Urge you and the members of parliament to apply  and enforce Bill 50. Please mandate stricter laws and regulations of people acquiring wild animals for personal or display purposes.
Say no to roadside zoos in Ontario.  Cruelty on any level of wildlife in zoos or personally owned is not acceptible.....

Thankyou Mr McGuinty

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