Let's Get a Dog Back in The White House - Meet Champ and Major Biden!

Every president of the United States for the last 120 years has had a dog in the White House, until Trump.

Sign on if you want to see Champ Biden, Joe and Jill Biden's beautiful German Shepherd move into the White House!

Reagan had Lucky. Bill Clinton had a dog named Buddy and a cat named Socks. George W. Bush had dogs named Milly and Ranger. Obama had Bo and Sunny. Trump has no animals around him. 

As animal lovers, we know that you can tell a lot about someone by whether they can be kind to animals. Not only does Trump not have a dog, he has said "how would I look walking a dog on the White House lawn?" In that statement, he is strongly insinuating that people who care for animals are silly or weak. We know better. People who care for animals show empathy and kindness, and that is the kind of person we need leading the U.S. 

In 2008, Biden adopted Champ (named by his grandchildren) from a breeder. As we know, many breeders are unethical and so many dogs need forever homes that the chant of "adopt, don't shop" has become a common refrain in our world. But when we spoke, Biden listened! When Jill and Joe were ready to invite another animal into their home, they rescued Major from the Deleware Humane Association. 

As animal lovers and advocates, we need elected officials in office who are willing to hear from us and change their behavior. The fact that Joe and Jill Biden did that is extremely meaningful. Let's get Champ and Major in the White House this January!

*Photo from this video*
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