Demand a PERMANENT CANCELLATION of PERMIT to the ALTAI MINING COMPANY in España,San Fernando,Sibuyan Island,Romblon,Philippines

    ALTAI MINING CORP. had put up a mining company in España,SanFernando,Romblon.
    All the residents were against it,but the Department if Environment issued them a permit and the mayor of San Fernando DRA.Nanette Tansingco gave her go signal.
    The people barricaded the causeways and went to Manila to rallied in front of the main office of the Department of Environment.
    As of now,the operation was temporarily stop,but we wanted a TOTAL CLOSURE/PERMANENT CANCELLATION of ALTAI MINING CORP.'s PERMIT to EXPLORE MINING on our lands.
    They are after our nickel and ore deposits.
    Please HELP ME to raise AWARENESS from other nations.
    We should stop mining from all over the globe.It is one of the cause of global warming.
    Thank you,🙏❤️
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