Tell Congress to expand the Child Tax Credit!

The expanded Child Tax Credit was one of the most effective and cost-effective anti-poverty steps ever. It cut childhood poverty nearly in half in 2021, by providing families much needed funds to cover expenses and put food on the table. But at the end of that year, the expansion expired, and hasn't been reinstated since. 

This week, a bipartisan group of Congressional leaders reached a deal that would expand the Child Tax Credit – not to the full expansion of 2021, but still an important step forward that would lift 400,000 kids out of poverty.

Passing this expansion of the Child Tax Credit should be a no-brainer! We have clear evidence that it works to fight poverty and food insecurity, and it makes up a small fraction of the budget. But it's not guaranteed to pass in Congress, so we need to turn up the pressure. 

Sign your name: Tell Congress to expand the Child Tax Credit to give families the support they need >> 

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