Save Kei!

  • por: Kim S, none
  • destinatário: Yoshinobu Nishikawa, Executive administrator, Kodomo no Kuni Kiddie Land Zoo
Kei is a 13 year old female North American Eastern Timber Wolf who has lived virtually her entire life on a 7 x 4 meter concrete slab in almost total isolation from others of her species at the Okinawa City Kodomo no Kuni Zoo in Okinawa, Japan. There, she is routinely barked and howled at and spends most of her time pacing...
Kei is a 13 year old female North American Eastern Timber Wolf who has
lived virtually her entire life on a 7 x 4 meter concrete slab in
almost total isolation from others of her species at the Okinawa City
Kodomo no Kuni Zoo in Okinawa, Japan. There, she is routinely barked 
and howled at and spends most of her time pacing in the hot
sub-tropical climate of Okinawa. Please do some of the actions below to
help us get her released and back to a wolf sanctuary in North America
so that she can live out her last years of life in a more peaceful
setting, giving her the dignity she deserves.
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