Continue Saving the Lives of Families in Poverty

Although it only makes up 1% of our the federal budget, the International Affairs Budget is facing disproportionately deep cuts.
This 1% of our budget is the part that is actually actively saving people's lives, addressing global hunger, AIDS, malaria, illiteracy, disaster response, peace building, and human and religious rights protection. In 2009, this budget ensured that about 2.5 million people received AIDS treatment, and 4 million children orphaned or affected by AIDS received support. Additionally, an estimated 15 million malaria nets were distributed.
Additionally, one out of five American jobs is tied to international trade. Therefore, building and expanding overseas markets for American goods and services is crucial.
The federal deficit is rapidly growing into numbers the average American can't even comprehend, and we need to ensure that all federal programs are tightening their belts at the same rate.
It doesn't cost a lot of money to save a lot of lives. Sign this petition to ensure that millions of children and families in poverty receive the support they so desperately need.
As a constituent, I strongly urge you to support no less than the Senate's FY 12 allocation for the International Affairs Budget.
America's fiscal challenges require belt-tightening and all programs must pay their fair share, but I am concerned about the disproportionately deep nature of the cuts being made to the International Affairs Budget The International Affairs Budget absorbed nearly 20 percent of the total spending cuts in the final FY11 spending agreement earlier this year, even though it's just one percent of the budget. Legislation in the House now would cut non-war related development and diplomacy programs a dramatic 20 percent from FY10 levels. These cuts are unwise and put our national and economic security at risk.
America's top military leaders, including General David Petraeus and former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, have been adamant that budget cuts to the State Department and USAID will harm our national security.
And as one out of five American jobs is tied to international trade, we must continue to build and expand overseas markets for American goods and services.
The Senate mark for the International Affairs Budget is still a nine percent cut from FY 10 levels, and our national security, economic prosperity, and leadership in the world cannot afford any less.
I strongly urge you to support no less than the Senate's FY 12 allocation for the International Affairs Budget.
[Your Name Here]
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