Cigarette Butt Litter Awareness Law

Please sign this petition, which would require the words "Please Dispose of Butts Properly" on cigarette packages in order to help raise awareness and prevent the littering of cigarette butts.
Cigarette Butt Litter Awareness Law

Did you know that:
* Cigarette butts are the number one form of litter and are consistently at the top of all beach and roadside cleanup litter tallies
* There are 176,000,000 pounds of butts littered in America annually
* Costs to clean up cigarette butts on a single college campus can exceed $30,000 annually
* Littered butts kill plant, animal, and marine life and deteriorate water quality
* Huge devastation, injuries, and death result from fires caused by dropped cigarette butts
* 90 percent of littered cigarette butts are dropped within 10 feet of an ashtray
* Raising awareness of littered cigarette butts DOES reduce the amount of littered butts because dropping butts is simply a habit that can be easily changed

The legislation we are seeking would just require cigarette manufacturers to include a warning notice on each package of cigarettes sold, informing smokers to "Please Dispose of Butts Properly." There is nothing objectionable about the language, and many cigarette manufacturers have devoted a portion of their websites to environmental issues. In fact, both R.J. Reynolds and Philip Morris have worked in conjunction with Keep America Beautiful with respect to supporting environmentalism, which we applaud.

We are three kids who started the No Butts About It Campaign after doing many beach cleanups and becoming fed up with the number of littered cigarette butts. The campaign has spread to most states, and other nations are also concerned with the issue of cigarette butt litter. Let's make America butt-free! Smokers who become aware of the detrimental effects of littered butts are usually eager to dispose of their butts properly. Really, it seems like it is just a habit that smokers engage in unconsciously. Once we raise awareness through a simple package label, the issue will be at the forefront of smokers' minds and at their fingertips!

Please sign this petition and forward it to anyone and everyone that you know. Let�s make a difference now and end this terrible litter habit.

Thank you!


The No Butts About It Cigarette Butt Litter Campaign seeks to require cigarette manufacturers to print "Please Dispose of Butts Properly" on each package of cigarettes in order to raise awareness of and end cigarette butt litter. Please sign this petition to indicate your support of this measure.

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