Tell Nintendo Slavery is Not a Game

Nintendo has been a leader in the gaming world, but it is failing miserably on the problem of conflict minerals mined with slave labor and violence in the African Congo.

Armed groups round up villagers at gunpoint and force adults and children to dig for minerals used in electronics, from your cell phone to your gaming console.

While other big companies like HP, Apple and Microsoft have taken steps to make their products conflict-free, Nintendo has been ranked dead last in the industry with a score of zero in a report by the anti-genocide group, the Enough Project.

Tell Nintendo: Slavery is not a game. They need to take the first step towards making their products free of 'conflict minerals' mined with slavery by auditing their supply chain and making the information public.
To: Satoru Iwata, CEO of Nintendo

The violence and slavery associated with the production of minerals in the Congo is devastating.

While other leading brands are making efforts to make their products free of slave-mined 'conflict minerals,' we are disappointed by your score of Zero in the Enough Project's recent industry ranking.

Please take the first step towards making your products free of conflict minerals by auditing your supply chain.

[Your name]
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