Celebrate and Support The US Constitution

In these troubling times the American people need to focus on what Abraham Lincoln called the charter of our liberty. We are now in a battle for our charter, for the independence and liberty of our people. When the battle is over, our flag will yet wave over this land as the symbol of our law. If we should ever give up what so many Americans have fought and  given so much for, terrorism would win.

The following Committee of Correspondence Statement for The Celebration and Support of The United States Constitution calls on all Americans to stand tall in our cause for liberty.

Signatures in support of our charter, the law of our liberty, will be delivered to Congress to remind and encourage our US Representatives and all who will see that we the American people will not fall down for any enemy.

Statement of Celebration and Support
for The United States Constitution

One of the best ways to support our troops is to give honor and celebration to the Law of our Liberty - to the United States Constitution that they pledge by oath to defend.

We, the citizens of America, celebrate and promote our American Independence and Liberty. We celebrate the United States Constitution as the standard of our God given unalienable rights.

For over 250 years Americans have celebrated the independence and liberty that was won through the Declaration of Independence. To preserve freedom for future generations, our Constitution was written. From that beginning, thousands have sacrificed in defense of this law. It is only through the vigilance of such patriots, who sacrifice their time and means for the cause of liberty, that our Constitution survives today as our law and standard of liberty.

The Constitution was written to be the supreme law of our nation, written to be our law for the defense of our liberty in times of peace and war. It is a celebration of liberty that should never be lost, not to the fear of terrorism or to any enemy.

Every American should understand the great sacrifices that have been made by those who have answered the call for the cause of liberty. When we stop to ponder and realize the sacrifices that have been made by our nation’s patriots, who have stood to defend our independence and liberty, it becomes infinitely more certain that our Constitution deserves just as much respect today as in any former time.

Our Constitution survives today for us to celebrate this long established fact, that those who are willing to sacrifice for the preservation of our independence and liberty do not sacrifice in vain.

We should always be able to celebrate the survival of our Constitutional rights, not only on the 4th of July and Memorial Day, but for 365 days a year. May that law forever stand as our standard of liberty in respect for our God given unalienable rights.

For this we stand in celebration.

We support our troops by celebrating our Constitutional Laws of Liberty that they pledge by oath to defend.

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