Hunters wiped out 15% of the gray wolf population in 3 days!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The first hunting season since Trump delisted the federal protections on wolves was bloody in Wisconsin. Hunters had been given permission to kill 119 wolves; any more and their vulnerable population couldn't take it. Yet, in just three days, they slaughtered 182 wolves, or 15% of the entire wolf population in the area and 50% over their quota. 

Demand the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service immediately reinstates the ban on killing wolves before it's too late! 

This is exactly what animal advocates like you and us feared would happen if gray wolves were no longer protected from hunting. Hunters don't have the information or restraint not to kill way too many animals. It's unclear whether hunters knew they'd passed the limit and killed more wolves anyway, or if they just didn't realize in time to stop their overzealous hunting. But either way, clearly hunters can't be trusted not to kill way more than allowed! 

It's honestly disgusting that people are so obsessed with killing wolves, which are apex predators and therefore critical to maintaining any ecosystem they live within. But that apex predator status also puts them at the top of some hunter's "lists" of animals they want to kill. 

The state allowed this to happen, even though they were warned for years. Now 15% of the Wisconsin population of wolves is dead and gone. We cannot let this go on another year! 

Sign the petition to demand wolf protections are put in place again at the federal level!

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