End "Sport" Where Hunters Fork Out $2,000 To Blast Terrified Pigs From Helicopters With Machine Guns For Hours!

What could be more cruel than massacring living things for fun?

Add your name if you want to ban this horrifying "entertainment" once and for all.

"The airborne slaughter lasts for two hours and includes unlimited ammunition.

"Hunters can pick from an array of weapons including shotguns or assault rifles.

"On average they chalk up around two dozen kills each but some have wiped out 50 hogs at a time.

"Hunts, on giant US ranches, cost £2,000 with VIP packages up to £4,000 a pop," reported The Sun.

This is how it works:

The helicopter flies out over the property, and a herd of pigs runs away in terror from the noise.

Then a person with a high-velocity weapon, sitting in the comfort of a padded chair, maybe with a thermos of coffee at their side...

Starts mowing down the animals in the fastest possible way.

For fun.

Look at how one of the ranches who offers this vicious experience describes it.

"HeliBacon, based in Bryan, Texas, boasts on its website: "Do you want to buzz droves of hogs 15ft off the ground at highway speeds? All you need is a hunting licence and trigger finger!" according to the same source.

Killing animals for fun is the worst part of human nature.

And your help is needed to put a stop to it.

Most of these ranches are located in Texas.

That's why we're asking every single member of the Texas state Senate to join together in creating bipartisan legislation that would put an end to this "sport" where hunters pay thousands of dollars to slaughter countless innocent pigs from a helicopter.

Don't you want to do your part to end animal cruelty?

Then add your name to ask Texas lawmakers to end the practice of massacring pigs for fun.

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