Justice for 80 Dogs Rescued From Kankakee Puppy Mill

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Jamie Boyd, Kankakee State Prosecutor

Please sign and share this petition everywhere on all media sites as we seek a full investigation and appropriate charges for the person allegedly responsible for the horrific conditions that authorities claim the animals were living in. News reports show that more than 80 dogs were rescued from a puppy mill in Kankakee, Illinois and are now being evaluated and cared for in the event they will be ready for adoption.

News on NBC TV broadcasted a report of a puppy mill that was being run out of the basement of a woman living in Kankakee. The dogs were discovered as a result of numerous calls from people who worked at the home or visited it to purchase a puppy. These tips alleged that the animals were not properly cared for and when investigators came to the home confirm that the dogs were living in filth.

Claims by the Puppy Mill Project founder, Ms. Meyers, states that the woman operating this facility has done so for years, with all the dogs living in inhumane conditions. Ms. Meyers goes on to say that “The community wanted her out for a very long time. I don’t even know how many were in constant contact with us about what was going on there. The majority of the dogs rescued were smaller breeds such as Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, Yorkshire Terriers, and Poodles. They were found stuffed into wire cages in the home’s lower level that was “dark, dank, smelly and grim.”

The Puppy Mill Project conducted the rescue along with Animal Control, Animal Rescue Corps and the Kankakee County State’s Attorney’s Officials. The dogs are now all being cared for to return them to good health, preparing them for happy, long-term new homes. If the owner of this home/puppy mill is found to be guilty of all charges, we are asking that the State Prosecutor seeks the harshest punishment in addition to placing a ban on her every owning or caring for any other animals in the future. We are seeking your help to gain justice for these animals by signing and sharing this petition on all possible media sites for a successful outcome.

Jamie Boyd, Kankakee State Prosecutor – If this woman in Kankakee is found to be guilty of all charges presented, we ask that you inflict upon her the harshest punishment possible for each and every animal found in her “care” and facility, along with an animal ban so that she can no longer repeat such abuse on any other innocent animals.

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