She Slammed This Puppy to The Ground As It Screamed, And Nothing Is Stopping Her From Doing It Again

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Los Angeles Police Department
The footage starts out like so many videos on the internet -- a gaggle of puppies and dogs playing, rough-housing, barking and play-snapping at each other. Inside what appears to be a petstore, a group of people watch as the puppies happily swarm about their legs. Then, one puppy begins to play a bit louder and energetically -- nothing you wouldn't expect from a young, immature dog. But in an instant, a petstore employee snatches the puppy by its neck scruff and whips it into the air. It dangles there, whimpering and clearly afraid, until the employee hurls the pup across the store where it lands head first onto the concrete floor. Since the incident, the abusive employee was fired, but no other actions were taken. Until she is charged with animal abuse, she could be a threat to even more of our furry friends.

Sign the petition today if you want this employee to be investigated and charged with animal abuse by the LA authorities!

As the video continues, the sound of the impact rings out, directly followed by the puppy screaming in pain. The rest of the people in the room are frozen, stunned into silence. Every single person in the room knew something horrific had just taken place. Then, one by one, they rush to the puppy's aid. At first it isn't even visible, hiding in absolute terror. Finally, you can see the tiny thing cowering under a bench. It is alive and awake, but barely moving.

And the pet store employee? Well, she isn't visible again in the video. She did not rush to check on the pup, or call for help. The pet store, Bark n' Bitches Dog Boutique in Los Angeles, California, later released a statement that the employee was fired, and that they don't stand for such abuse. But by simply firing this employee, they were only protecting the pets in their own store. Animal abuse is hardly ever an isolated incident -- research shows us that it is a pattern. By not reporting this as a crime, this pet store is unleashing an abuser on the surrounding community.

California Penal Code 597 PC outlines that maliciously harming an animal falls under the crime of animal abuse. This pet store employee showed immense malice when she grabbed, screamed at, and then threw this poor dog. And calling this 'harm' is putting it lightly. In California, there is a mandatory post-conviction possession ban, meaning if this abuser were charged, she would no longer be allowed to own defenseless animals.

The video evidence couldn't be more clear. This employee must be investigated and charged with animal abuse, for the sake of all animals in the community. If laws protecting animals are not upheld, then they are not truly keeping them safe. Please sign the petition today asking the LA Police Department to investigate and charge this abuser!
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