A Video Went Viral of a Man Dragging and Ripping His Dog’s Body Across Hard Concrete. He Hasn’t Been Charged With Abuse.

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Hamilton Police, Ontario, Canada
"You idiot!"

Those are the words that accompanied heinous dog abuse in Hamilton, Ontario this summer.

Horrified neighbors watched -- thankfully one even got video evidence -- as a man dragged his poor, exhausted dog by collar around its neck across the hard, hot sidewalk. There's no telling what led up to this incident, but likely the dog was too fatigued to carry on or too terrified to willingly go with its abuser.

We're so grateful that kind animal welfare workers rescued this dog. But its owner has not been charged with a single crime…meaning he could easily get the dog back once the legal hold is up.

Sign the petition to demand Hamilton officials charge this man with the crimes he committed on video.

It makes absolutely no sense that this man has suffered no consequences other than giving up the dog he so mercilessly inflicted pain and suffering on. As the Hamilton dog rescue Fur Warriors wrote on its Facebook, "If you have grounds to remove the dog… you have grounds to charge the abuser."

Without charges on the books, there is nothing stopping this man from getting this dog back and doing the exact same thing to it…or something far worse.

We need to keep this pup and all of Hamilton's other animals safe by demanding authorities do what's right and charge him with animal abuse! That way, he can be kept far away from other innocent animals.

Sign the petition to see justice done for this poor pup!
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