She Killed Other People's Dogs, Turning Them to Piles of Ashes

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Authorities in Hardin County, Kentucky
A dog breeder and boarder in Kentucky is currently facing charges for animal cruelty after authorities discovered 21 dead dogs, as well as 12 neglected puppies and two neglected adult dogs inside and around her home. Many of these dogs were not even her own - meaning she deprived families of their beloved animal companions.

Even worse: authorities knew this woman was not safe to be around pets, after charging her with animal cruelty years ago, in December 2021! So how did this situation even happen?

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Officials noted that, of the surviving animals, they: "were very skinny to the point that bony structures such as rib cages, elbows and hips could easily be identified," and "physically appeared to be in jeopardy" of passing away.

Two of the deceased animals were rotting away inside her car, their bodies wrapped in plastic bags and already starting to decompose.

Authorities discovered no water bowls on the premises and limited food for the dogs. Several other animals were suffering from highly preventable, treatable conditions that the breeder/boarder neglected until the animals died. On top of that, there's evidence to suggest that this breeder/boarder may have openly abused the animals entrusted to her care.

One dog owner discovered that her beloved pup, Cane, was among the deceased pets. She shared that, when authorities arrived on the premises, they discovered Cane was already reduced to a pile of ashes, with no fur, hair, or pawprints left to identify him by. The only way she knew the remains belonged to Cane was through his microchip. Another dog owner discovered her dog had endured similar torture.

These animals were important parts of these families, and now they'll never even get the chance to say a proper goodbye. As one grieving dog owner explained: ​​"That was my best friend. I can't even bring him home in a box, and she [the breeder] doesn't have any sort of remorse or any explanation -- nothing."

Pet parents entrusted this woman with their animals' care because they thought she was reputable and dependable. One said: "I never once thought that my dog was being starved and torched and burned."

Why did Kentucky officials allow this breeder's abuses to escalate to this point? Yes, this individual must be held accountable - but so must authorities. Demand an investigation into why Hardin County, Kentucky allowed this known animal abuser to run her dog business and remain in possession of other people's pets!
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