Tell the FDA: We Want Safe Birth Control Pills!

  • por: Public Citizen
  • destinatário: FDA Commissioner Dr. von Eschenbach
Is your birth control dangerous?

It could be--7.5 million prescriptions for third-generation oral contraceptives were filled last year in the U.S. alone!

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Chances are, if you're taking one of these drugs, you weren't told very much about it. But these third generation birth control pills contain a synthetic progestin called desogestrel, which doubles the risk of life-threatening blood clots compared to birth control pills that do not contain this ingredient.

So why would doctors choose to prescribe something that's twice as likely to hurt you when there are other, safer alternatives available? And why does the Food and Drug Administration continue to ignore evidence that these drugs hurt women?

Support Public Citizen's petition to the FDA. Demand that the FDA ban third-generation oral contraceptives!
Public Comment on Petition to Ban Third Generation Birth Control Pills, Docket #2007P-0044

Dear FDA Commissioner Dr. von Eschenbach,

Each year, millions of women fill prescriptions for birth control pills that are twice as likely as other oral contraceptives to cause life-threatening blood clots. These pills -- third generation oral contraceptives -- have not been proven to be safer or more effective than second generation birth control pills. On the contrary, study after study has shown these drugs to pose twice the risk of venous thrombosis.

The following drugs fall into this category: Desogestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol, Apri-28, Cyclessa, Desogen, Kariva, Mircette, Ortho-Cept, Reclipsen and Velivet.

These drugs put women at an unacceptable increased risk of adverse events without providing a marked therapeutic advantage over other drugs approved for the same indication.

I am an individual consumer who supports Public Citizen's petition to ban third generation oral contraceptives. Dr. von Eschenbach, I urge you to remove these drugs from the market.

Thank you,

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